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  • 13 July, 2021
  • 273

Study in South Korea

South Korea is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international students looking to pursue higher education. The country has a thriving economy, a rich cultural heritage, and a strong education system. In this blog, we will discuss the fees, universities, living costs, and education system details for students who wish to study in South Korea.

Education System in South Korea

The education system in South Korea is highly respected and is known for its rigorous standards. The system is divided into four levels: elementary, middle school, high school, and post-secondary education.

Post-secondary education in South Korea includes universities, colleges, and technical schools. The education system in South Korea emphasizes academic excellence and is highly competitive. Korean universities offer a wide range of programs in various fields, including arts, sciences, engineering, business, and healthcare.

Universities in South Korea

South Korea has over 400 universities, including some of the top-ranked universities in Asia. Some of the top universities in South Korea are:

1. Seoul National University

2. Korea University

3. Yonsei University

4. Sungkyunkwan University

5. Hanyang University


7. Pohang University of Science and Technology

8. Ewha Womans University

9. Sogang University

10. Kyung Hee University

Fees for Studying in South Korea

The fees for studying in South Korea vary depending on the university, program, and level of study. The average tuition fee for undergraduate programs is KRW 4,000,000 to KRW 8,000,000 per year, while the average tuition fee for graduate programs is KRW 6,000,000 to KRW 12,000,000 per year.

Top courses to pursue in South Korea

South Korea is a popular destination for international students seeking quality education in diverse fields. Here are some of the top courses that international students can study in South Korea, along with their duration and approximate expenses:

Engineering4 yearsTuition fees for engineering programs in South Korea can range from KRW 5 million to KRW 15 million per year
(approximately USD 4,300 to USD 12,900), depending on the university and program.
Business and
4 yearsTuition fees for business programs in South Korea can range from KRW 5 million to KRW 15 million per year (approximately USD 4,300 to USD 12,900), depending on the university and
Korean Language
and Culture
1-2 yearsTuition fees for Korean language programs in South Korea can
range from KRW 2 million to KRW 8 million per year (approximately USD 1,700 to USD 6,900), depending on the
university and program.
Medicine and
Health Sciences
4-6 yearsTuition fees for medicine programs in South Korea can range from KRW 10 million to KRW 30 million per year
(approximately USD 8,600 to USD 25,800), depending on the
university and program.
Creative Arts4 yearsTuition fees for creative arts programs in South Korea can range from KRW 4 million to KRW 12 million per year
(approximately USD 3,400 to USD 10,300), depending on the
university and program.
2-4 yearsTuition fees for environmental studies programs in South Korea can range from KRW 5 million to KRW 10 million per
year (approximately USD 4,300 to USD 8,600), depending on the university and program.

Visa type:

D2 and D4 visas are two visa types that are commonly used by international students who wish to study in South Korea. Here are some details about these visas:

D2 Visa:

Duration: The D2 visa is a student visa that is valid for the duration of the course of study, up to a maximum of two years.

Expenses: The cost of a D2 visa varies depending on the country of origin, but it generally ranges from 60,000 to 80,000 Korean Won (KRW), which is approximately 50 to 70 US dollars. In addition, students must pay for health insurance, which costs around 30,000 KRW (approximately 25 US dollars) per month.

Requirements: To apply for a D2 visa, students must have been accepted into a Korean university or language school and provide proof of enrollment. They must also submit a passport, a completed visa application form, a passport-sized photo, and proof of financial ability to support themselves during their stay in Korea.

D4 Visa:

Duration: The D4 visa is a language study visa that is valid for up to six months.

Expenses: The cost of a D4 visa is similar to that of a D2 visa, ranging from 60,000 to 80,000 KRW (approximately 50 to 70 US dollars). Students must also pay for health insurance, which costs around 30,000 KRW (approximately 25 US dollars) per month.

Requirements: To apply for a D4 visa, students must provide proof of enrollment in a Korean language school. They must also submit a passport, a completed visa application form, a passport-sized photo, and proof of financial ability to support themselves during their stay in Korea.

It is important to note that the expenses associated with studying in South Korea can vary widely depending on factors such as the location of the school and the cost of living in that area. In addition to visa costs, students must also consider expenses such as tuition fees, accommodation, transportation, and food. However, there are also various scholarships and financial aid programs available to help international students cover these costs.

Living Costs in South Korea

The living costs in South Korea vary depending on the location and lifestyle. On average, a student can expect to spend KRW 10,000,000 to KRW 15,000,000 per year on living expenses. This includes accommodation, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses. Some of the most expensive cities to live in South Korea are Seoul and Busan, while smaller cities like Daejeon and Gwangju have lower living costs.

South Korea offers excellent academic opportunities for international students in various fields. The country has a strong education system, a rich cultural heritage, and a thriving economy. The fees for studying in South Korea vary depending on the university, program, and level of study. The living costs in South Korea also vary depending on the location and lifestyle. The education system in South Korea is highly respected and is known for its rigorous standards. Korean universities offer a wide range of programs in various fields, making it an ideal destination for students looking to pursue higher education.

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